Potion of Carapace
Legendary, Wet, Consumable
Contents |
1. Description 2. Stats 3. Increasing stats 4. Quotes 5. Notes |
Grow a tough carapace, bursting through and replacing all armor.
The description for all carapace pieces: You've grown an exoskeleton. It's tough.
Permanently replaces all armour except Jewelry with a carapace.
Increasing Stats
Using more Potions of Carapace will increase the base stats of the exoskeleton, giving +1 defense, speed or health to each appropriate item.
The Potion of Carapace gives diminishing returns for each potion drunk. This means that the exoskeleton will eventually become useless compared to other armours if in the Tower. Since the maximum block rate is 82%, it's not worth making many of them in the Acts.
Upon reaching the next floor, your character has a chance to say one of two things: