Restless Blade
Legendary, Dagger
An assassin's dagger enchanted to charge targets. Unfortunately for many owners its haste often backfires.
- 1-3 Damage
- +3 Attack
- +Auto Charge: Player will automatically charge enemies that are in a cardinal direction the player moves towards
- Trash value of 85 gold
- Auto Charge doesn't guarantee an attack, so having high attack or not being noticed helps greatly
- The game counts it as two movements: the charge and the attack, which can make sneak attacks difficult without high speed
- It will also target allies such as the Dog and Scavenger, so caution and situational awareness is important
- The enemy must be visible to charge (e.g., they can't be off-screen or out of your character's vision)
- Can make you fall into pits if the enemy is directly next to one
- If a scavenger blocks a charge, then it will not aggro, but if it hits it will
- Has a small chance to hit an enemy to a tile sideways of where you hit it